Kathy: Is a 60 year old female with a history of cancer, much family stress, and as a result some expected mood issues including sadness. She was scanned with the Inner Voice program and within 6 minutes of hearing her musical frequencies, she responded with “I'm a changed person” and was smiling and giddy. That was several months ago and she continues to use and feel positive, upbeat and happy.
Ann: A 70 year old female client with complaints of sadness, depression, anger do to a serious and chronic family problem that “just won't go away”. She was scanned using the Inner Voice, Vital Functions, Comprehensive and S.E.F.I. (specifically using happiness, inner peace, aura builder) for a total of 45 minutes. The end result after her session was a smiling, happy, relaxed woman who had good color and had consequently stopped crying and complaining about her situation. Now the scanner does help the user it does not change the family situation unless all are using it.
Victoria: Is a 55 year old female health professional who was given Inner Voice, Vital Functions, Comprehensive and S.E.F.I. ( 2 frequencies in quantum reach). Her only verbalized complaint was that she was tired from traveling, stress and a lack of sleep. After 30 minutes, the change in her face (relaxed and peaceful), she was now smiling and looked happy and had good color in her face. She went from a serious affect to a laughing, lighter hearted one and stated that she had “a buzz” in her head.
Kaley: Is a 22 year old female experiencing PMS pain and cramping was scanned using Vitals, Comprehensive and S.E.F.I. protocols including inner peace, gonad pain, aura builder, candida for at least 5 minutes each. After 30 minutes of receiving frequencies, all of her pain was completely gone and she felt like herself again.
Jay: Is a 20 year old male with a severely dislocated left shoulder in an accident. He was scanned using only S.E.F.I. for shoulder pain for 10 minutes and had almost all pain eliminated in that time. No further sessions were required.
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The content of this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered a substitute for, professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider.
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